• 32 Public Computers
  • WiFi – available 24/7
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, and Publisher)
  • 4 AWE Early Literacy Stations

Books on Wheels

Are you unable to access our library in person? This effort targets senior apartments, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and private residences. Any person of any age in the Belleville, Sumpter or Van Buren area who would like library services but is homebound can participate. Please contact us at (734) 699-3291.


Free COVID Tests Available

Ask at the front desk to pick up tests. Tests may be subject to limitations from the MDHHS

Mobile Printing

a picture of a computer and a smartphone that says check out our new printing solution called princh.
click for mobile printing site

Room Reservations

Study Rooms

The library has several 2 and 4 person study rooms. Each study room is equipped with a table, 120 volt outlet, and dry-erase board (markers are available at the Information Desk). Rooms may be reserved: Reservations are limited to two hours per day and must be made one day in advance. The reservation will be lost if the party is more than 15 minutes late or if the room has been vacated for longer than a half hour. Unreserved rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Recurring reservations can be made through the Information Desk.

Facilities Use Policy   Book a Study Room

Meeting Rooms

The first floor meeting room(s) and second floor conference room are available for use by Belleville, Sumpter, and Van Buren community groups for presentations of informational, educational, civic, and recreational meetings and programs in keeping with the mission of the Belleville Area District Library. These rooms can seat between 6 and 100 attendees. All meetings and programs must be open to the public. Reservations may be made between 2 and 30 days in advance by completing a Meeting Room Reservation Form available below or at the Library’s Check Out Desk. Rooms can be booked 2 times per month for 3 hours a day by an individual organization. Review the Facilities Use Policy for more details.

Facilities Use Policy   Request a Meeting Room

Special Collections

Local History

The BADL local history holdings include local newspapers on microfilm going back to 1895, an obituary index, cemetery listings, Civil War military records, books on the history of Belleville, Van Buren, and Sumpter, and various other paper artifacts. Please contact the library for more details on this collection and information on how to access our resources.


This collection is geared towards parents and teachers concerned with educating children. Patrons interested in guidance for homeschoolers, lesson plans, and pedagogy should explore this area.


This collection contains study guides and practice tests for those preparing for academic or professional exams. Tests covered include SAT, ACT, GED, GRE, ASVAB, nursing, EMT, HVAC, and postal examinations.

Large Print

A collection for patrons in need of a print size that’s easier on the eyes. Our Large Print collection contains thousands of fiction and nonfiction books, including current bestsellers.

Low Vision Resources

Thanks to the Canton Lions Club, the library now has two low vision magnifiers which enhance the size of words.  Now, reading a book, letters, or viewing pictures is possible for people with vision impairments.  The magnifiers can be used any time the library is open.

In addition, members of our community can contact the Wayne County Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped for additional services (888-769-2737).

Tech Tutoring

Schedule a 45-minute one-on-one technology tutoring session with a librarian. Use your time to learn a new device, sign up for the library’s digital collections, or practice with a computer program. Call the library to schedule an appointment.