Memory Cafés
- Provide a safe and welcoming environment where people with dementia and their care partners have the opportunity to enjoy social interaction with others experiencing similar circumstances
- Operate on a drop-in basis with no pre-registration required, although it is often encouraged.
- Help people living with dementia continue to find purpose and meaning in their daily lives.
- Can lead to the formation of friendships among participants
At the Belleville Area District Library Memory Café
- No one will ask about diagnoses—everyone is welcome.
- Activities are designed to make people of all cognitive abilities feel comfortable and engaged.
- Socializing and creative exploration take center stage.
- You’ll find conversation starters, icebreakers, refreshments, crafts, and often live music.
What to Expect
- People sign in, get name tags, get refreshments if they choose, then sit at a table with others and use the items on the table to get conversation going.
- Library staff and volunteers walk around and talk with attendees about the items on tables, and, if necessary, encourage people to chat
- Ice breaker that we do as a group, at individual tables, or both
- Snack break
- Craft activity
Favorite Things Reminiscence Kits
Favorite Things is a series created for the enjoyment of those with dementia, their caregivers and family in order to provide comfort and inspire connections and conversation through reminiscence. Through reminiscence we find comfort in our favorite things and form connections with people and the past.