Book Groups for Adults
- African American Literature Book Group
- Evening Book Group
- The Other Book Group
For more information, including upcoming dates and book choices see our Book Groups page here.
Write Stuff Writers Group
Calling all aspiring writers: Come and enjoy the camaraderie and support of other writers on our Facebook page — “The Write Stuff Writer’s Club.”
In lieu of meeting during this time, participants will receive a writer’s packet every month. Contact Tara McCann at for a writer’s packet.
Technology Classes and Tutoring
Introductory computer classes are offered on a variety of topics several times a year. Some classes require basic computer skills. Check our calendar for class topics and dates!
Tech Tutoring: Book a 45-minute appointment with a librarian for a one-on-one lesson tailored to your technology needs!
… And more!
Attendance at Library events constitutes consent to be photographed for use in print and/or electronic publicity for the Belleville Area District Library.